Monday, October 10, 2011

Dog Chasing a Tail

One thing that really bothers me about people in our society, our age specifically, is the utter lack of fight and passion people seem to have. Nobody is willing to put in the work anymore. Nobody is willing to go through a little bit of Hell to get to the good shit. It seems as if as soon as things get a bit rough, people just cower and walk the fuck away. Who taught these people to live? Where did we pick up these horrible habits? People seem to get trapped in this notion that what OTHERS do is what they have to do, whether it's in a job, a relationship, a friendship, shit, even with a sandwich. Where is the drive? Where is the passion? I was taught to fight for what you want and to never give up. For better or worse, that's how I work. I don't walk away from tough situations. I don't back down. The competition factor is gone. People just...give up. Lose hope. There's no optimism. Don't let what others do dictate what YOU do. If you don't want to do a 9-5 and want to pursue art, fuckin' do it. You want that girl? Fight for her and show her how much you want to be with her. You want that sandwich? Eat the bitch! Fight back! You all deserve so much more than you give yourself credit for! Don't fall victim to complacency. Don't fall victim to laziness. Be passionate. Love hard. Do what makes you happy. Kiss. Dance. Rock. Fuck. All at once is totally cool. Now where is my guitar...?

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