Monday, November 28, 2011

It's a Town Full of Losers and I'm Pulling Out of Here to Win

This weekend, I stumbled upon something. A curb. I fell. When you have massive feet, it tends to happen more often than not. However, I also stumbled upon a thought. They are rare, but god damn when I catch one, LOOK OUT. Anyways, I was in the bathtub thinking about my future (which is normally where I think of important matters such as this) and realized that at 23, I have not yet accomplished much of what I want to in my life. Granted, 23 years is a small sample size (hopefully...) of the rest of my life, but for better or worse, I have come to embrace the fact that I have absolutely MASSIVE dreams, ambitions and goals that I set for myself. A lot of people will tell you that even the craziest or most high-shooting of dreams are not possible to reach, but to them, I say a simple yet courteous fuck off. The people that tell you that you can't do anything you set your mind to are those that gave up on their goals. I have no qualms with saying my goals are possibly a bit larger than most, but who cares? Why the hell should that stop anyone? I want to one day fill up a 65,000 stadium consistently and play my music for people. I want to headline Lollapalooza. I want to have a family. I want to own a monkey. (Some of these are harder than others...monkeys are expensive as shit, man). But you can bet your ass that I am going to do whatever the hell I have to in order to make sure all of those happen. So some nights, instead of going out, I write. I listen to music all day every day not to take ideas but to remind myself of what I don't want the music to be. Will there be struggles? Of course. Will it be easy? Not in any way. But, if you're weird like me, that challenge alone will excite you enough. It's cliched as shit, but it's the hard that makes it worth it. All big dreams are a pain in the ass to get to, but that's what makes finally reaching them all the more awesome. You worked for something. You fought for something. You gotta taste the sour to taste the sweet. I implore all of you: do not let anyone tell you that you cannot do something. You can do ANYTHING that you set your mind to. If you want to be a famous chef, with ALOT of hard work and a bit of luck/timing, you CAN be a famous chef. Want to be a to be a paleontologist? Read every goddamn book on dinosaurs, study everything you can, learn from the best and do whatever you have to and it CAN happen. Support your friends with their dreams. Never tell them they can't do something. Help them with anything you can. They are your friends for a reason, and you never know how they may help you one day. Anything in the world is possible if you simply work for it and get some luck. When we live in a society that is failing like crazy, those that are willing to put in the work and willing to do whatever it takes will be the ones to have the best things happen for them. As they say, only the strong survive. Nothing is ever guaranteed in life, but I can promise you that if you want something and you work your ass off for it, good things WILL happen. Maybe not in ways you expected, but sometimes the best things in life are the things you least expected. Some are ok with a normal life. Some are ok with the typical 9-5 day and going home to the suburban house. Nothing wrong with that in any way. As for the rest of us, I want something extraordinary. I will not settle for anything less. I want a fast paced life. I want to see the world. I want to tour for millions of people. I want to experience everything I can in life. And because that is what I want, I'm going to work my ass off to make sure I do every single one of those things. My dreams/goals/ambitions are absolutely massive. 99% of the world will say they are too big. My thoughts? I'll see you guys from the front of the stage, guitar in hand with a big grin on my face.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Illusions. Tricks are what whores do for money.

Random thoughts of today:

  • Strawberries, while delicious, pose a problem when done. Where do you put the tops? Certainly not in your mouth.
  • My hair hasn't been this long in ages. When my beard comes in more, I will officially get the homeless man look I have so often strived for. 
  • This has been a real shitty 48 hours. If it continues this way, I'm doing the only thing I know that cheers me up: streaking down Sheffield Avenue.
  • Christmas is just awesome. Makes you feel all warm and shit. Except it's colder than balls outside.
  • I keep forgetting to bring my lunch to work. I can't tell you how sick I am of buying mini cereal boxes at the convenience store for lunch.
  • Weekends should happen more often.
  • I keep forgetting that my brother is going to be a husband next week. Always thought he would make a better wife, but that is neither here nor there.
That should dooze it.

Broken Clocks

I’ve never been one
To grasp at blind faith
It’s always hard for me to hold on to
Something with no face
You tell me patience is key
But it’s starting to wear thin
Everyone wants to slow things down
But I always dive right in
The fault lies within me
If timing is everything
Then my clock must be broken
I’m tired of waiting in line
When will this goddamned door open?
Knock knock knock my head against the wall
Take two steps then we stall
We need to gain some speed
I know your trust I have to gain
And you say it’ll come to those who stay
Looks like you’ll be seeing a lot of me
But nothing is guaranteed
If timing is everything
Then my clock must be broken
I’m tired of waiting in line
When will this goddamned door open?
I’d rather burn in Hell
Than become another one
That gave away his soul to sell
I’ll do this my way
Cause at the end of the day
The lights will fade anyways